JTrust Aluminium Windows by SankyoAlumi Japan

Why we recommend to go for Prefabricated Aluminium Windows ? (Prefabricated: Fabrication done by Company which designed the system & provide ready to install windows)

The Benefits of Prefabricated Windows

Prefabricated windows are becoming increasingly popular as homeowners and businesses look for ways to save time and money on their window replacement projects. Prefabricated windows are made in a factory under controlled conditions, which ensures that they are of high quality and meet all safety and performance standards.

Here are some of the benefits of prefabricated windows:

• Speed: Prefabricated windows can be installed much faster than custom-made windows. This is because they are pre-cut to size and come with all of the necessary hardware and components.

• Accuracy: Prefabricated windows are made to exact specifications, which ensures a perfect fit and installation. This is important for energy efficiency and to prevent leaks.

• Quality: Prefabricated windows are made with high-quality materials and components, which ensures long-lasting performance.

• Value: Prefabricated windows are often more affordable than custom-made windows. This is because they are made in bulk and there is no need for a custom design.

Local Fabrication vs. Prefabricated Windows

Local fabrication is the process of making windows by hand on-site. This can be done by small fabricators who may not have the proper equipment or experience to make high-quality windows. Local fabrication can also be more expensive than prefabricated windows, as the fabricator will need to charge for the cost of materials, labor, and overhead.

Here are some of the disadvantages of local fabrication:

• Quality: Locally fabricated windows may not be made with high-quality materials or components. This can lead to problems such as leaks, energy loss, and premature wear and tear.

• Accuracy: Locally fabricated windows may not be made to exact specifications. This can lead to problems such as improper fit and installation, which can lead to leaks and energy loss.

• Time: Locally fabricated windows can take longer to make and install than prefabricated windows. This is because the fabricator will need to take the time to measure, cut, and assemble the windows on-site.

• Cost: Locally fabricated windows can be more expensive than prefabricated windows. This is because the fabricator will need to charge for the cost of materials, labor, and overhead.


If you are looking for a high-quality, affordable, and fast window replacement solution, then prefabricated windows are a great option. Prefabricated windows are made in a factory under controlled conditions, which ensures that they are of high quality and meet all safety and performance standards. They are also made to exact specifications, which ensures a perfect fit and installation. Prefabricated windows are often more affordable than custom-made windows, and they can be installed much faster. If you are considering window replacement, be sure to compare the benefits of prefabricated windows to local fabrication.